YJP professional mixer

YJP Jain Connect Professional Networking Mixer

ZOOM Virtual Event

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Jain Connect presents Professional Networking Mixer at the Young Jain Professionals 4th Annual YJP National Conference 2020.

Every speaker on this list is a power house in their field, with journey’s of success and perseverance to share with our YJP members.

The conference is divided into four distinct sessions, spanning the Sunday’s in October. Join from 2pm-5pm eastern time with your family and friends and enjoy learning from and networking with fellow Jain professionals both domestically and internationally.

October 4th: Political Advocacy & Engagement – Jains in America highlight their success stories of being engaged in US politics, and why our voice as Jain Professionals matters now more than ever.

October 11th: Resilience – Introspect and learn from the physical, mental and emotional pressures we experienced in 2020, and move forward with Resilience

October 18th: Innovation – Providing knowledge and mentorship to aid in shaping bright ideas into successful businesses.

October 25th: Network – Create new connections, meet new friends and like minded professional individuals within our community.

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